Fall Newsletter


It’s Open House Time! 

Time sure flies – the Holiday season is just around the corner. Below is the Fall Newsletter. Just click the image for the complete version.

Look for the special saving coupons inside.

Hope to see you the November 5th and 6th weekend!

Fall Newsletter

Artist Series Pens & Card Cases

business card case
business card case



The great thing about working in the gallery is having all of this neat stuff around. Way more talented people than myself make some pretty nifty items that we use every day. The pen and card case above are from our Hawaiian friends at ACME studios. ACME – the same name (different company) of the business that Wiley Coyote ordered his contraptions from to try and snare Roadrunner. These well made works of useful art are available in a variety of designs by world famous artists, architects & designers.